End of Touring for 2018

After 108 nights of living in my caravan this year, I have decided to end this years touring and put the caravan into 'hibernation' for the winter. My last night away was at Culloden on the 30th Oct. Looking back at my diary, I finished touring last year on the same date at Melrose. In 2016, I was using my camper van and I finished on 29th Sep at Banchory. The options for winter touring are quite limited, especially with the need for power, and after looking at the sites available, the lack of daylight, and the weather forecast I decided to put the van in it's 'winter jacket'. The cover I have came with the van. In fact, the van was under the cover when I viewed it back in March, so I knew it was a good cover, tailor made for the Familia. It's a two man job, but I laid it all out in preparation for an extra pair of hands later in the afternoon. It was a fine afternoon as I took the last look at the van until (maybe) next February or March. M...