50 Nights in my Troll.

I thought that after having spent 50 nights this year in my Troll, this would be a good opportunity to offer my views and opinions on this caravan. Overall, I'm very impressed and there are some features which I really like, and others not so much. I've only ever owned Eriba's, having switched from campervans a few years ago. The switch was really an attempt to minimise the ongoing costs associated with a 'leisure vehicle'. I've had a Puck (a 120), a Familia (a 320GT), and now own this Troll (a 530GT). The Troll was a substantial investment for me, it's a (used) 2017 fixed bed model with a number of extras fitted, such as awning, high back seats, 3 ring hob, etc. I first started touring in the Troll back in April of this year and have covered a good part of Scotland and North England in my travels. The Troll is actually probably a bit 'overkill' for my needs. I normally tour alone with my 2 spaniels, and rarely have guests. However, I do sp...