The Eildon

This is night No.5/2020 living in a caravan. This is the second night of this trip pitched at Melrose Gibson Park C&MC. Started of the morning with an early walk along the Tweed, then after breakfast, we headed into Galashiels to walk on the north side of the Tweed. Not a great walk as it bordered a quiet road for a bit, so had to keep an eye on the dogs. The main road into Gala crosses the Tweed above us. Jumped back in the car, and headed into the Abbotsford House Estate, getting a great walk, again, along the banks of the Tweed. A big boulder on the walk. Crossed a minor road and took this path through some old Yews, part of the Borders Abbey Way. It was signed 'Scotts Walk'. After lunch, decided to take a walk up into the Eildon Hills above Melrose. I've walked part of this route before when walking the St Cuthberts Way. The muddy path climbs steeply out of Melrose. Eildon Hill North. A zoomed shot of two walkers heading up ...