Kinlochewe, Day 2.

Night 10/2018 in the caravan. This is my second night booked at the Kinlochleven C&MC Site. Quite surprised how busy the site got last night. There are a lot of pitches here and it is unusual to see more than half occupied, but I think it was over half last night. I've been coming here for many years now and I suppose it's the NC500 which is increasing popularity of sites like this along the route.

Got up to fine weather. Mild and fairly bright. Took the dogs for a quick wander round the NNR next door.

Past the Whistlestop Cafe.

 And the old tin shack next door!

After breakfast, packed my rucksack and left to walk up the Allt a Chuirn path up towards the Beinn Eighe massif. I've walked this path before, but it was torrential and we turned back a good bit from the hill. Today looked much better, and my plan was to go as far as the snow line.

It looked lovely today.

Its a good path, pretty much gravel all the way and very little in the way of mud. A wee cairn commemorates its improvement.

The view across to the Caledonian Pine on Meallan na Circe-fraoich.

The views back down to where I started.

We continued for around an hour, but our plans to get to the snow line were scuppered. Right at the foot of the climb, what appears on the map as 'ford' is in fact a gorge. There was a short scramble down, and a steep scramble back out and there is no way the dogs would have managed the down bit. They dont mind going up scrambles, but they freeze on downward scrambles!

Two relieved Spaniels. I fact we were all so relieved that we scoffed our 2 bagels which I had packed for 10 am!!!

Great views and a spectacular place to stop. Well worth the effort.

Even blue skies!

Got back to the van, and it was so pleasant, I even got the door and windows open.

In the afternoon, went for a wander along towards the NNR visitor centre, and around the high level 'Buzzard Route'. Got to admit, I do like a hill walk with steps!


  1. Another good commentary, Iain. What is NNR? National something (N) Reserve? I really hope that we can somehow contain the impact of the NC500 to get as much of the benefits for the local community without creating all the downsides. Personally, I have already encountered people avoiding the western area as they have read of it being over-congested. On those scrambles that B and H shied on, big Peggy goes for them but, if excessive, tends to explore routes (however far away that ends up being!) to avoid the big stones completely. Keep up the good work. Oh, and your Dad asks if you can get him a copy of the Five Men of Knoydart's declaration ... just if you're passing.

    1. NNR, National Nature Reserve. Angus, can't believe your error....its the Men of Moidart, and there are seven!!

  2. Favourite bit was the 10am lunch break! Mind you you do get up early! How regal does hamish look xx


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