Davochfin Farm

This is night No.55/2018 touring in my caravan. I'm now at Davochfin Farm, a CL near Dornoch. There are 2 options for pricing, £5 per night without electricity, and £10 with. I've taken the option to take electricity for a few reasons; I have food in the fridge which can only be oven cooked (i.e. pies), I might have to use the heating (which eats gas), and although overpriced, the overall price is well worth it and I'm supporting the cause of CL's.

With the kit my van has on board, I'm much preferring the CL's to the main C&MC Sites. They are great places to spend some time. This van is proving itself to be an ideal machine for this. The Puck I had previous was a fantastic wee van, but this model is superb.

I got up around 0630, and took the dogs around the woods next to the site. After breakfast, took the dogs for a longer walk around Culloden Wood, around 2 miles from the site. A good long circular route. It was quiet apart from a couple of joggers.

I hadn't booked anything, so I called Davochfin Farm to enquire about pitches. Being near Dornoch, it's right next to the NC500, and these sites are limited to 5 outfits. Fortunately, the owner told me he had 1 space which I was welcome to.

I've stayed here before, and it is excellent. One of my favourite CL's. There is a brilliant beach with a dog friendly, quiet, dirt track virtually from the site. There is also a gate into the nearby Camore Wood, a FC forest.

It took about 90mins from Culloden to here after a quick stop at Asda in Tain for fuel and some cash.

The site is a small field at the top of the farm. It has water, bins, chemical emptying, and power if you need it. Like most CL's, it only lacks a toilet block and showers.

Even though it is 'full', the site feels secluded and quiet.

After getting sorted out, went through the gate into the forest.

Along this bit of the path, which joins the farm to the forestry tracks, I noticed a wasps nest which must have blown from the trees in the strong gale force winds up here today. More of that later....

The broom is certainly yellow,

After doing a nice 40 min loop, we left the main forestry track, heading back along the path to the farm. Suddenly I noticed Bonnie doing 'manic' loops on the ground, biting at her rear end. Then I noticed Hamish bolting past, tail between the legs, occasionally stopping for a rake at his rear end. Then it was my turn. I received about 6 or 7 stings on my legs (shorts on) between the back of my knee and my sock line. It was like red hot pokers! They must have been the former occupants of the nest I saw earlier.

The three of us bolted to the gate and back to the site. Fortunately, the wasps didn't follow! To be honest, it was very sore but not as painful as I would have imagined. After returning to the van I took some anti-histamine and to the heat from the stings is actually quite pleasant! Or maybe I'm just 'stoned' on the pills!

Can't beat a view like this from the rear window.

After a 'butterie' I picked up in Tain with some Camembert, I headed down into Dornoch. I was out of Lemons, and fortunately the co-op had a few good ones. I'm almost out of Raw Honey too, so I'll have to track down a roadside honey seller.

Stopped at Dornoch Beach which is absolutely pristine.

One thing about this coast is that the beaches are very clean, and virtually no litter or debris. Not like the beaches on the West Coast.

I could see the 'Wee Mannie' above Golspie in the distance, and the hills up the coast.

Interesting find. At first I thought it was a dead, buried deer. However, Hamish confirmed for me that it was in fact 'sine corpore'!!


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