Reston in the Scottish Borders

This is night No.46/2018 staying in my caravan. I'm now at a 'CL', New Mains Farm, near Reston. A very reasonable £5 per night.

Woke at 0600 to another foggy morning, but as the morning progressed it slowly burnt back. Took the dogs around the field, then after breakfast we walked the 'John Muir Way Link' along the coast between the sea and Dunbar Golf Course. It's a nice walk which has some fine little bays. The only issue I have is with the number of 'hostile' signs erected to keep walkers off the golf course, and limited to the very narrow (literally 6" in places) path allocated as this long distance walk. I returned via Dunbar and Broxburn on the road.

It was clearing enough to see the plume from the Cement Works.

I had booked my next site last night. A CL on a farm near Reston. Never heard of Reston before. Nice wee town about the size of Edzell. Chatted to a very nice old farmers wife, who I met when I arrived. She told me the village used to have 2 pubs, which have shut, and the school is under risk of closure. She did recommend the remaining village shop and post office, which I'll probably visit tomorrow.  Great welcome to an outstanding little site.

These CL's are limited to 5 max outfits and have water, somewhere to empty the toilet tank, and nothing else. It is outstanding. In a working farm, with horses, hens in the yard, geese. The full farming experience. I'm starting to prefer these small, quiet sites. On balance, I'd sacrifice showers for babywipes if this is whats on offer.

The farmers wife told me to park anywhere I wanted. The field could have held around 20 outfits, but it's limited to 5. There were 2 other vans here.

New Mains farm at the road end of the track from the village of Reston.

A 5 min walk from the farm is a great dog walk on a disused railway line. It's waymarked as part of another, longer, walk.

This is definetely 'big field' country.

The line goes on for miles. At one point, met a pair of ponies having a graze. I admit I got a bit spooked when they started following me!

Lovely with the old bridges, the yellow on the Broom, and the blossom.

It is roasting. The car is reading 25C and very clammy. Haven't had the forecast showers yet, but it's certainly stirring.

Cut into Berwick Upon Tweed, it's about 10miles away for my friday ciders. Bargains galore!! Westons and Thatchers (my favourite craft ciders) at 3 for £5! The drink aisle was very busy, no joking, with Scottish folk. 

The forecast showers didn't arrive. Took a walk along a track directly from the farm. Probably around 1km long, but perfect for a spaniel blast.

It was a lovely evening.

I only passed one person. A young lass with 4 greyhounds on lead with her. The Greyhound Trust have a kennel within the farmyard.


  1. So, I presume that Berwick is in England and so avoids the Nicola booze tax. I suppose if you live (or are visiting) close to the border, it makes sense to travel and save a few pounds. Wikipedia suggest the only note-worthy item on Reston is it might have its old railway station re-opened so I presume (?) it must be on the Waverley line. I don't think I could sacrifice the daily shower (especially after a run) for the sake of some savings at a CL site, but then that is why it is good to have the variety and choice. As you always say, I suppose the land behind the bothy would make a great Edzell CL site. I wonder if CLs attract the "less rowdy" strain of caravanners? Finally, it might just be me, but the dogs are looking a bit "fuzzy". I hope the inverter is good enough to allow the dog clippers to get into action.

    1. They'll be clipped when I return. It's not just about the saving. If you can do a shower workaround, such as portable or thermal heated, it's definitely the way to go. No crowds, swing parks, manky previous users of facilities etc.

    2. At the moment, Berwick is in England!!


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