Lower Wenslaydale

This is night No.79/2018 living in my caravan. Now pitched at Lower Wensleydale C&MC Site near Leyburn in the Yorkshire Dales. I was a 'bargain' price of £25.60 for 2 nights for the van, me, and the mutts (free).

Slept well, getting up around 0600. Again, it had been raining all night but had stopped when I awoke. The forecast was for a fine day, so I was hopeful for our morning walk. Took the dogs round the exercise field, then after breakfast, got the kit together and headed the short 5 mile drive to Askrigg. There was a good walk there which would be ideal to do before packing up before 1200.

Askrigg is a lovely little village, again, very well preserved. I parked up in a carpark and made a donation in the honesty box.

The rather impressive St Oswalds Church. Seems a lot of cars, but I think that the roads are so narrow that it's one of the few places residents can park.

Followed the way markers to Mill Gill, and eventually arrived at the 'force'. Probably one of the finest waterfalls I've ever seen. The water was peaty brown due to recent rain, and the fall must be around 50'. It's surrounded by a steep gorge, all very impressive.

There were a number of smaller 'forces' all the way up the Gill, but we continued to see the higher Whitfield Gill Force.

Unfortunately, my guidebook was correct. In the winter it can be seen, but is so overgrown in the summer that it can only be heard. Still, a good stiff walk up to this high point.

Returned to the site, packed and left around 1130 for the 40min drive to Leyburn. Not a great location for dog walking nearby, as it's 'leads on' everywhere, but found this little walk down to a nice waterfall in Harmby, next to the site. It's a short 100m walk!

The site is built in an old quarry, and the pitches are on several 'tiers'. Not a bad site, but no onsite dog walk, or even a recommended of site walk. Considering probably 80% of tourers bring a dog or two, this is a real disappointment and not something I've come across before.

The site itself seems good though. The wardens were a bit surly with the person checking in before me, but they were OK with me. We'll see what happens.

Not a patch on Hawes, but that's probably reflected in the price. It is noticeable that as you near the boundaries of the Dales, it becomes a bit more 'industrial' and the traffic gets busier.

The Catterick Army Camp is only 6 miles east from here and there is a lot of helicopter activity today, which was quite enjoyable!

Later in the evening, we took a walk towards Harmby from the site, and had a nice pint in Pheasant Inn.

Lovely country,Yorkshire pub, but we were the only ones there!

Still, was a good pint.


  1. Again, nice to read of you relaxing and doing the visitor thing, including a pint of ye olde Yorkshire ale, although I was hoping for a judgement on its quality (I've given up on the scone request). The weather still looks great where you are while, as I head to Kinlochleven for the Ben Nevis Ultra, it looks like sheet rain for us Jocks for the next week or so, at least on the west. One emerging sense I do get, Iain, is growing frustration at the lack of canine freedom, as you enjoy around home. I'll watch for whether the next visit location is easier on that basis.


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