
This is night No. 86/2018 living in my caravan. This is my second night at Melrose Gibson Park C&MC Site in Melrose.

It was still fairly dark when I got up at 0600. At least it was dry and very little wind. This was forecast to change considerably as the day went on.

Our first walk, around 0630 was down to the past the Rugby Club and a short circular route down to the Tweed and back.

I was conscious that it was going to get very wild today (as it did), so at around 0900, I took the dogs for a good run around the banks of the Tweed. The wind was picking up, and it started to rain around 0930.

It then bucketed down! For a good couple of hours, I read, they slept, and I nipped out to get a couple of pies and a haircut in Melrose. The barber had just opened up here, having sold his barber shop in Montrose, up my way! I don't know if it's a Turkish Barber 'war' going on, but he was telling me that the Turkish Barber in Brechin (who I use) isn't Turkish, he's Bulgarian! Sacre Bleu!

After lunch, it became more showery, so I took the dogs a short drive to one of the Tweed Forest Park woods at Yair. Nice drive, but there was a lot of branches and debris on the roads.

Bit nostalgic, but as I climbed into the wood, I noticed that I followed the Southern Upland Way for a stretch.

I must have been 'in the zone', I can't remember walking this part at all!

It's a lovely bit of country here. It's around 5 miles from Melrose, typical Borders landscape.

A nice bench to take in the view, if it was a bit brighter.

On the return to Melrose, there were a number of trees down on the road. I was held up by the council at one stage as they chopped and loaded a tree into their truck. It would be a good year to own a woodburner down here, a lot of fuel came down today.

At around 1600, the worst of the weather was forecast to have past, so took the dogs a walk around Melrose, right next to the site. The well kept Melrose RFC Stadium.

We walked under the chain bridge, and walked along the Tweed back into Melrose. The Abbey and the Eildon Hills behind.

The horses near the Abbey were definitely not up for a soaking!

I think this fine garden is part of the NTS Harmony Gardens in the town.

Looking up the High St on our return to the site, the Eildons beyond.

The site is at the bottom of the street, on the left.


  1. Indeed, looks like a great place, Iain. I do recall the Eildons from the super-LGBT friendly Jedburgh Ultra last year. Running the three hills - even in very strong winds - was one of the highlights of the race, while the lowlight was that daft insistence that all runners had to complete a round of (meaning using the various items) in a kids' swing park at about 27miles. Call me grumpy but that was just daft. I always think these wee border towns are very scenic and on odd mix of the very wealthy tweed-set with the very poor neds. Average wealth would be misleading. Looking forward to seeing where the Magical Mystery Tour takes you next.

  2. Looks a lot milder weather wise than up here!!! Glad to hear your caravan hasn’t keeled over in the wind!


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