Ayr Craigie Gardens

This is night No.91/2018 living in my caravan. Now pitched at Ayr Craigie Gardens C&MC Site located in the town of Ayr. A very reasonable £25 for 2 night for me, the van, and the mutts (free).

I had a few chores to complete before leaving home, and left around 1000 for the 2 1/2hr journey to Ayr. I haven't driven through Glasgow with the van before and this journey was almost entirely on dual carriageway roads. It was the A90 to Perth, then the A9 to Dunblane, then the M80, M8, and finally the M77 and A77 to Ayr. I followed the sat nav, which led me to a dead end road in the grounds of the university. I stopped, done a U turn, and before I could even look at my map, a bloke drove along side me to ask if I was lost looking for the site. When I confirmed this,  he kindly led me the 2 min road to the site. That was his good deed for the day!

The roads were quite busy, but I wasn't held up at all.  I arrived at the site at around 1330.

I've never been to this site before. It's an 'urban' site located right next to the University and Ayr Racecourse almost in the centre of town. It is laid out really well, and you'd never guess it was in town.

A good dog walk from the site down to the River Ayr, where there's a walkway all the way into the town.

I've been here before! This is where the River Ayr Ultra marathon finishes, and my brother ran this race a couple of years ago. I was doing 'support' and waited under the stand.

The river itself is very impressive and quite wide through the town.

Gave me a chance to obtain a new 'plaque' to add to my growing collection.

A first for me tonight, baked potatoes cooked in the Remoska. A quick check online and an hour should result in perfect potatoes. One thing about being in town is the accessibility of shops, so they'll be rather posh potatoes..tuna, tomato, and herb filling!


  1. Looks a nice site and area to spend a few days. I had to check what the university was in Ayr and now see it is the University of West of Scotland. I was interested in its "old name". Seems to be built from an original (?) Scottish rural college and not, as I suspected, Ayr Technical College. Maybe I'm wrong. I too remember that stretch of the Ayr Ultra race as you run past and then into the sports ground. That was a nice course. One of the memories for me, and maybe something you can explore when there, was the amount of covenanters' hsitory stuff, whether memorials or gravestones. It is a sad but poignant part of Scottish history, too often overlooked and a lot of which occured in Ayrshire. Maybe worth a wee quest, as you so often enjoy?

    1. It's actually quite an impressive campus. It certainly is 'University of the West of Scotland', and if memory serves me correct, I think it has been paired with Paisley University? There were 2 minibuses in the carpark marked 'SRUC', so I assume that the rural college (or University?) is a department of the bigger UWS?

  2. Worth going to burns’ birthplace and walk , great tam o Shanter wicker statue in the gardens x


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