Last day in Foyers

This is night No 5/2019 living in my caravan. It's also my 5th night at Loch Ness Shores CCC Site in Foyers.

I wasn't intending to stay tonight, but the weather has been great and the dog walking excellent, so decided another night wouldn't do any harm!

After a early morning (0630) walk, and breakfast, we headed for another quick walk along the banks of the Loch. No wind and the water was like a Mill Pond. Again, another very mild day although a bit cloudier than of late.

Later in the morning, I wanted to walk the circuit from here, up the hilly forest south of the site to Upper Foyers, then back down by the Falls.

The derelict Foyers Mains Farm. This is where the owner of this site farmed and (I believe) still owns. A very historic looking building.

The adjacent Dovecot is also in ruins, it's roof having collapsed.

Quite a sad sight.

We continued up through the forest on the shoulder of Creag Bhreac. A stiff walk! Nice views back over Loch Ness.

One thing that strikes me about this area is the very bouldery terrain. Some massive rocks amongst the trees.

A patch of Caledonian Pine perched on the cliffs above.

As the route enters the south end of Upper Foyers it passes over the old road bridge, now bypassed by a modern bridge. Dramatic gorges below the bridge with terraces of pools.

It's now a closed road, but seems to be open to SSE workies.

 The gorge below the bridge looking west.

..and east.

As the route descends past the Falls, the old bridge (closest) and the newer crossing which I cross into Lower Foyers.


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