Around Dingwall

This is night No.17/2019 living in my caravan. This is my second night at Dingwall C&CC Site, an 'urban' site on the edge of the town.

Slept like a log, and got up around 0630 to a fairly bright start. Took the dogs for a run around next to the nearby stadium, then after lunch walked the dogs down to the picnic site on Cromarty Firth. This stretch of the firth is a huge mudflat when the tide is out.

Looking back down the silted up canal. If I recall correctly from my book about Telford, he argued that unless the authorities paid for the construction of a lock at the firth end of the canal, then the canal would be silted up and become useless. That's exactly what happened. It's like a massive channel of mud heading into the town. When there's a high tide it looks fine though.

Later in the morning, we headed the short drive through Strathpeffer to Contin to walk the longer of the fine forest trails. I've walked this many times before.

The trail climbs to a fantastic viewpoint, west over the hills from a little tor.

Headed back for lunch, then headed out again on the main A9 towards Tore. There is a wood which I've passed many times, but never stopped. Monadh Mor, which means 'big bog' or 'big peat'.

Great views over the Black Isle.

Some old structures?

And a rather fine old dry stane dyke.

It was a great walk, and amazing that such a fine forest is right next to the main A9 trunk road! It was around 4.5 miles, and took around 1.5hrs. One of my favourite forest walks for sure.


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