River Breamish

This is night No.32/2019 living in my caravan. We've moved on from Fife and are now in Northumberland at the River Breamish C&MC Site near Powburn.

Got up to lovely weather around 0545 (!) and took the dogs for a walk around the quite spectacular Balbirnie Park. A fine, mature and very traditional town park.

After breakfast, we returned for a longer walk. This park has matures into a spectacular place to visit.

I used to walk here years ago when I lived in Markinch, but I hardly recognise it.

Balbirnie House. In my time, this was council offices but is now a rather exclusive hotel (I think).

Left Balbirnie around 1100 for the 2 hr drive to River Breamish. Great weather as I sneaked a shot on the Queensferry Crossing.

Decided on a grass pitch. It's not a huge site, and the hardstandings are quite close and with my door on the european side (i.e. right), it affects privacy.

A rather fine river runs within the site. It was roasting, so a good chance for the dogs to cool off.

It was 'taps off' weather...

By the time I'd set up, it was around 1430 and I was starving. A nice cottage cheese and tomato omelette.

Later in the afternoon, took the dogs to Thrunton Woods to walk the 'crag' walk. Took about 2 hrs.

A cracking wood with a lot of rhododendron amongst the taller trees.

The walk culminated in a huge, long, and steep grunt up to the ridge! Hard going.

Returned to the van around 1800 to continuing fine weather. Weather looks fine tomorrow, but is forecast very wet on Wednesday.


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