Walking to England and back...

This is night No.41/2019 living in my caravan. It's my 2nd night at Crookhouse Farm CL, near Morebattle in the Scottish Borders.

Got up fairly early, at around 0630 and took the dogs around a stubble field next to the site. In fact, it had only been cleared yesterday and was very handy for a dog walk.

Made of breakfast of 4 fried eggs on a bagel. Sounds excessive, but the eggs were like sparrow eggs! The folk selling them said that it's because they are from very young hens.

They certainly were perfectly formed, and very, very tasty.

After this hearty meal, took the short drive into Kelso for a walk around with the dogs. It's got to be one of the finest of the Border Towns.

Returned to the van, packed a lunch and headed up to Kirk Yetholm to walk out to the English Border. I'd done this a few years ago when walking the St Cuthberts Way.

The route initially is shared by both the Pennine Way, and the St Cuthberts Way. It's a hilly route, and I can tell you, it's a grunt!

I love these posts.

I can't remember them, but this one is near the border.

This is the border. One way England, the other Scotland.

Looking west along the Border wall. Not quite the Great Wall.

The view back over Scotland.

A distant Eildon Hills near Melrose.

A stunning landscape and walking heaven.

Looking back, the route up the hillside can be seen faintly on the grass.

The route back up the hill towards Kirk Yetholm is another grunt, but we stopped at the summit on a perfectly positioned bench for a piece on cheese.

Some great walking today, been to Bowmont Forest twice, next to the site twice, and over to England! A well earned rest with my new favourite book!


  1. Good read. Always think Kelso looks as though it should be a dream place for a TV/movie set for anything to do with 1700s or 1800s. Must have been used a lot. Encouraging to see you're not above eating "corporation bread" too; the "plain' will always trump the "pan' in my books.


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