The (not so) Secret Beach, Nairn.


This is night No.8/2021 and our final night at the Nairn C&CC Site, just outside Nairn. 

Got a nice nights sleep (solid!) and woke around 0600 to, finally, some fine and dry weather. A perfect day to get down to what was once known as 'The Secret Beach'. It's certainly no secret with the locals and it stretches for miles along the Moray Firth from Nairn all the way to the old oil rig yard at Ardesier. I really enjoy visiting this beach as it is a right old mix of beach, scrub, and carse, and the dogs love it. 

So, after a nice breakfast bagel with egg, I packed my stuff, including the drone, and drove the 5 mins to Hilton of Delnies. I could have walked it in 15mins, but crossing the A96 outside this site is deadly at times!

The weather was perfect. I only saw one couple, out walking there dogs. There was 2 cars in the carpark, and we literally had miles and miles to ourselves.

The broom was in full bloom, and the air had that familiar coconut scent. Absolutely great place to walk.

A very low lying trig point!

I was on the flightpath for Inverness airport, but I was just outside the 'no drone' zone.

I knocked up a short video using the drone.

After lunch, we headed back east to Forres. I needed food for the next 5 days and there is a fine walk up the banks of the River Findhorn.

This was a bit of a strange looking bridge. Looking a bit like a 'cut and shut' job to me!

After the walk, stopped in Lidl. There must be some kind of bikers event on somewhere. Probably 100 motorbikes had massed in the carpark, and there were dozens heading towards Elgin direction. They left en masse when I returned to the car!

Returned to the site, and as it was very quiet, decided to get a couple of pictures of the van from above.

Good days walking. 


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