Walks around Kinlochewe


This is night No.11/2021 living in the caravan. This is our 3rd night in Kinlochewe C&MC Site in Wester Ross in the Scottish Highlands.

This was a day of big walks. As of 1600, my step count was just under 24,000 and the day isn't over yet! The Spaniels will need at least one more walk, but that'll be later in the evening.

After a morning walk around the NNR, a shower, and some breakfast, we took the short drive to Incheril, a small settlement which is more or less connected to Kinlochewe. There is a good car park here which provides parking mainly for those walking up Slioch. I was using it as parking for a walk up to the Heights of Kinlochewe, a former farming community north of Kinlochewe.

Nice views looking back at the Beinn Eighe Massif.

An old sheepfold across the river.

Some really old wood along the river.

A couple of years ago, this glen was torn up for installation of a hydro scheme. It was a real mess at the timed also resulted in a 'highway' of a track up to the Heights. It was a very controversial project at the time and has changed the features of the river substantially by dams and diversions. Seems to be all complete now though.

On reaching the Heights of Kinlochewe, we first came across this derelict cottage. The only other buildings in the vicinity are a pair of modern holiday home conversion efforts, the usual wet looking wood and glass monstrosities. 

Looked inside and the ceilings had collapsed and there was a lot of debris. A bit too dangerous to enter.

I was thinking of continuing the walk past Lochan Fada, but I hadn't really prepared enough for a potential 7hr walk, having only taken a bottle of water and an orange! Great walk though in fine conditions.

After retuning to the van and having some lunch, I browsed the maps and noticed a nearby hill overlooking Glen Docherty, Bidein Clann Raonaild.

A short drive took us to the entry for a radio mast.

A good land rover track led us all the way from car to summit.

Great views. However, the views were nothing compared to what lay ahead at the summit. This hill is (only!) 466m, but the views are probably the finest I have seen from any hill.

 A panorama of the giants of the Coulin Forest, Torridon, Fisherfield and Letterewe. Just stunning.

The lovely crafted summit cairn.

Looking down Glen Torridon and the massive Laithach.

Looking down Loch Maree.

The Achnashellach Munros.

The Munros of Fisherfield and Letterewe.

A great days walking, particularly the walk up the hill. Really felt like proper hillwalking with remarkable views.


  1. Looks a great area, Iain, and also very "runnable". Maybe I'll get up there one day. That dream trip of a midweek break at The Torridon Hotel and a series of big hairy hill runs remains on the bucket list. I hope you've got your clearance books with you as that looks like a prime area for old settlements. Keep enjoying yourself.


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