Wet, wet, and wet!


This is night No.26/2021 living in the caravan. Now pitched at Clachan C&MC Site, near Killin.

Clachan is a special C&MC Site. What sets it apart from the other sites in the area is that it doesn't have a toilet block, so folk staying here have to use their own facilities. It's a setup I really like! I have my own hot water setup for doing the dishes or having a shower, and I have a chemical toilet which I paid good money for, so, why not?

The only struggle today has been the rain. It has been unrelenting, and has been a constant feature all day. July in Scotland? It is has been a constant battle between wet dogs, wet jackets, and wet towels!

We arrived here around 1330 after a miserable trip across country with a 30min delay at roadworks in the centre of Blairgowrie, then tailing a lorry at 20mph all the way from Blair to Dunkeld. Probably added around an hour to the journey.

Checked in at the nearby Maragowan site in Killin (Clachan is staffed be a volunteer), and headed up to Clachan, where I was met by a really cheery volunteer despite it absolutely pishing down. Picked a pitch, waited an hour for the rain to ease up, pitched the awning, and finally unpacked the car.

One huge plus is that there is a great dog walk just next door. Head up past some holiday chalets and a gate takes you up to a high hill path, following a burn. Fantastic.

The path leads to a forestry track, which climbs giving fine views towards Killin.

And returned to the site entrance.

Just hoping we get a bit of a break in the weather. Tomorrow, and Wednesday look a bit iffy, but certainly improving towards the end of the week.


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